Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hi All,

I have just returned from a brief but quite enjoyable rail trip. I thought some of you might be interested in hearing about the five days I spent on VIA Rail's Toronto to Vancouver route. The train is aptly named the "Canadian".

The draw for this particular trip, aside from the camaraderie train travel brings with it are the Canadian Rockies. They are magnificent along this route.

Nice lodging you appreciate more after four nights in your very "intimate" sleeping compartment aboard the train. If you don't know your traveling companion well at the beginning of your rail odyssey you most certainly will by day five. Think closet with two bunk beds and a bathroom somehow wedged into it.

Along the way we saw hundreds of deer as well as foxes, bison, wolves, elk and at one point in the Rockies, a large number of mountain sheep. A lucky photo from the dome car gives you a great look at these grand animals.

I would make this trip again in a heartbeat. The motion and sounds of the rails take some adjusting to.

I think most of you would enjoy this experience. If you can I would try this at least once in your life. Traveling overnight by rail is special. You cannot help but develop friendships in this setting. If this sounds like something you would like to try, call me.

Or just call to say hi.

All for now.

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